Thursday, January 8, 2015


Chitra Pal Pakore
1. 1 ½ cup of Besan / Chick pea flour
2. 1tsp. of Salt
3. ½ tsp of Red Chili powder
4. ½ tsp. of Ajwain / Carom seeds / Bishop's weed
5. ½ tsp of Corriander / Dhaniya powder
6. ½ tsp of Zeera / Cumin powder
7. 3 cups of water
8. Salt to taste
9. 1 cup each of Potato / Onions /Eggplant ( Baingan) sliced in circles thinly
10. 2 Jalapenos / green chili with 1 cup of chopped palak / spinach
11. 2 wheat bread cut diagonally
12. Oil for frying

1. Add Besan and rest of the spices into a bowl and mix well.
2. Now add Water slowly to the mixture till it turns to smooth paste.
3. Heat Oil in frying pan
4. Now dip Potatoes, Onions, Eggplant, Spinach, Jalapenos into the mixture and start dropping them in Oil one by one.
5. When they start turning golden brown take them out on kitchen towel.
6. Serve hot with Tomato Sauce.
- Chitra

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